Pakistani Man In Videotape Tangle
Foreign national detained after filming N.C. skyscrapers

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AUGUST 10--A Pakistani citizen who allegedly took videotapes of skyscrapers in six U.S. cities, a Texas dam, and various public transportation systems has been charged with a immigration violations and jailed in North Carolina.
Kamran Akhtar, pictured in the mug shot at left, was nabbed last month by Charlotte cops after he we was spotted filming office buildings there.
Akhtar, a 35-year-old New York City resident also known as Kamran Shaikh, allegedly made "materially false statements" when questioned by state and federal investigators following his July 20 detention (details of the bust were revealed today by prosecutors, who released this affidavit sworn by Homeland Security agent John Scott Sherrill).
According to cops, Akhtar behaved suspiciously when an officer asked about his videotaping and gave conflicting accounts as to why he was filming the skyscrapers. (5 pages)